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An Evening with Emmy

KWIM Special Lecture about Emmy Noether (1882-1935): "How Algebra received a new face".

A cultural event devoted Emmy Noether (1882-1935),  one of the most influential mathematicians of the last century. The programme includes:

- KWIM Special Lecture about scientific achievements of Emmy Noether by a mathematician Dr. Sebastian Krapp (University of Konstanz)

Abstract: In 1922, Emmy Noether (18821935) was the rst woman in Germany to become a professor in mathematics. While she is best known for her seminal works in the mathematical discipline of abstract algebra, her much
celebrated achievement, now known as Noether's Theorem, is set in the intersection of mathematics and physics. This talk presents the life and accomplishments of Emmy Noether with an emphasis on her ground-breaking achievements in abstract algebra and theoretical physics.

- Play "Diving into Math with Emmy Noether", a theatre performance by Portraittheater, Vienna in co-operation with Freie Universität Berlin.  Director: Sandra Schüddekopf, Actress: Anita Zieher, Scientific board: Mechthild Koreuber and David E. Rowe.

This event is organised in cooperation with collaborative research projects SFB 1432, SFB 969, FOR 2111, GRK 2272 (RTG R3).

This event takes place on May 23rd at 18:00 in A500 (Studiobühne) at the University of Konstanz. A similar event in German language is planned on May, 24th at 20:00 in Wolkensteinsaal, Kulturzentrum am Münster in Konstanz. For further details please see our posters (available under downloads).