Free boundary minimal surfaces in the unit ball. Dr. Mario Schulz

Donnerstag, 23. November 2023
17 bis 0 Uhr


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Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Dr. Mario Schulz (Universität Münster)

Minimal surfaces have intrigued scientists for centuries due to their geometric significance and profound impact on the evolution of mathematical thought. Free boundary minimal surfaces are critical points of the area functional under a Neumann boundary condition, allowing the boundary of the surface to move freely on a given support. Consequently, they intersect the given constraint surface orthogonally along their boundary. Such surfaces naturally emerge in the study of fluid interfaces and capillary phenomena. Even in very simple ambient manifolds, many fundamental questions remain open: Can a surface of any given topology be realised as an embedded free boundary minimal surface in the 3-dimensional Euclidean unit ball? When they exist, are such embeddings unique up to ambient isometry? By exploring these questions, we aim to provide an overview over recent results and showcase various examples. (Based on joint works with Alessandro Carlotto, Giada Franz and David Wiygul)