OS Reelle Geometrie und Algebra and KWIM Lecture Series: Resultant Ideals - Certificates for the Solvability of Polynomial Systems

Freitag, 17. November 2023
13:30 bis 15 Uhr

F 426

Veranstaltet von
Mateusz Michalek and KWIM

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Elke Neuhaus

In order to find a way to tell if a polynomial system in one variable admits a common solution we take inspiration from the well-known concept of the resultant. The variety of the so called resultant ideal, an ideal in the polynomial ring of coefficients, obtained by eliminating the indeterminant X, determines precisely if the polynomials have a common root. Rearranging the coefficients of the polynomials into matrices that act as the generalization of the Sylvester matrix, we claim that the maximal minors of these matrices generate said resultant ideal.