Moritz Link

Ph. D. student Moritz Link

Since January 2021 I am a Ph.D. student in the group of Prof. Dr. Stefan Volkwein. In my Ph.D. I work on simulation and optimization of energy supply networks. I am a member of the Mathe Initiative Bodensee.

This position is supported by the project "Energiewende vor Ort – Optimale dezentrale Energieversorgung und Kommunikationsstrategien hinsichtlich politischer und sozialer Akzeptanz".

Research Topics:

  • Mixed-Integer Linear and Nonlinear (Multiobjective) Optimization
  • Optimization of Energy Supply Networks

Programming languages and software used:

  • Python
  • Matlab
  • Latex

Current Projects:



Further Interests:

Furthermore, I am interested in the definability of henselian valuations which is a topic at the interface between model theory and algebraic geometry. Via the theory of (definability of) valuations on NIP fields the former can be seen in the context of learnability of neural networks. Originating from my master studies there evolved a collaboration with Salma Kuhlmann and Lothar Sebastian Krapp: