Course catalogue

Information about courses in the current and upcoming semesters

Registration to courses in ZEuS and ILIAS

Since the winter semester 2021/22, the two systems ZEuS (organizational platform) and ILIAS (learning platform, teaching materials) have been connected. Registration for lectures is always done via ZEuS. After registering for a course via ZEuS, you will automatically receive access to the corresponding ILIAS page (if an ILIAS page is used for the course).

Link to ZEuS:
Link to ILIAS:

On this page you will find information on current and future courses offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. More detailed information on individual courses can be found in course catalogue in ZEuS.

If you have any questions about individual courses, please don't hesitate to contact the respective teaching staff directly. If you have general questions, for example about planning your further studies, you are more than welcome to contact our student advisory service.

Information about current and planned courses of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics:

Courses offered in the summer semester 2024

Below you find the current lectures of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the corresponding module assignment at one glance. You can find more information on the individual courses at the University of Konstanz in the central course catalogue in ZEuS.

List of all lectures offered in the summer term 2024

List of all seminares offered in the summer term 2024

Schedule overview of all courses offered in the summer term 2024

Please find here further information about courses in mathematics didactic (only in German).

Courses offered in WiSe 2024/25

This is the current planning status, subject to individual changes.


Module assignments and courses in WiSe 2024/25

Seminars in WiSe 2024/25
If you would like to take part in one of the seminars, please contact the respective lecturers in good time (e.g. by email).

Overview of course dates in WiSe 24/25
In the event of unfavorable date clashes, please contact the respective lecturer or the student advisory service in good time.

Planned future main and specialization modules in the Master's degree

To make it easier to plan your courses of study for the Master's degree, you will find below a list of the main and specialization modules that are expected to be offered in the coming semesters (subject to change).

You must complete a total of at least 18 Cr of main modules and at least 13.5 Cr of specialization modules, whereby each specialization module can also be credited as a main module. As a rule of thumb, it will be typically necessary to take courses from two areas. However, it is also permissible to choose courses from only one area, provided that the courses on offer allow this.

You are welcome to contact our professors directly if you wish to take specific courses.

Courses in Analysis (Prof. Denk, Prof. Freistühler, TT-Prof. Gmeineder, apl. Prof. Kunze, Jun.-Prof. Markfelder, Prof. Racke)
Winter semester 24/25:
- Theory of partial differential equations II (main module; 9 Cr; Prof. Freistühler)
- Hyperbolic conservation laws (specialization module; 4.5 Cr; Jun.-Prof. Markfelder)
- Dynamic systems I (specialization module; 4.5 Cr; Prof. Freistühler)
- Parabolic boundary value problems (specialization module; 4.5 Cr; Prof. Denk)
Summer semester 25:
- tba
Winter semester 25/26:
- Theory of partial differential equations II (main module; 9 Cr; TT-Prof. Gmeineder)
Summer semester 26:
- Harmonic analysis and potential theory (specialization module; 9 Cr; TT-Prof. Gmeineder)
- Calculus of variations (specialization module; 4,5 Cr; TT-Prof. Gmeineder)

Courses in Geometry and Algebra (Prof. Kuhlmann, Prof. Michalek, Prof. Scheiderer, Prof. Schweighofer)
Winter semester 24/25:
- Real algebraic geometry I (main module; 9 Cr; Prof. Schweighofer)
Summer semester 25:
- Real algebraic geometry II (spezialization module; 9 Cr; Prof. Schweighofer)
Winter semester 25/26:
- Algebraic geometry I (main module; 9 Cr; Prof. Michalek)
- Geometry of linear matrix inequalities I (spezialization module; 4,5 Cr; Prof. Schweighofer)
Summer semester 26:
- Algebraic geometry II (specialization module; 9 Cr; Prof. Michalek)
- Toric varieties (specialization module; 4,5 Cr; Prof. Michalek)
- Geometry of linear matrix inequalities II (spezialization module; 4,5 Cr; Prof. Schweighofer)

Courses in Numerical Mathematics and Optimization (Jun.-Prof. Azmi, PD Frei, Prof. Junk, apl. Prof. Schropp, Prof. Volkwein)
Winter semester 24/25:
- Optimization II (main module; 9 Cr; Jun.-Prof. Azmi)
- Optimization for data analysis (spezialization module; 4,5 Cr; Prof. Volkwein)
- Numerical methods for stochastic differential equations (spezialization module; 4,5 Cr; Prof. Junk)
Summer semester 25:
- tba
Winter semester 25/26:
- Optimization II (main module; 9 Cr; Prof. Volkwein)
- Numerical methods for stochastic differential equations (spezialization module; 4,5 Cr; tba)
Summer semester 26:
- tba

Courses in Statistics (Prof. Beran, Dr. Bürkel)
Winter semester 24/25:
- Mathematical statistics II (main module; 9 Cr; Prof. Beran)
- Selected mathematical and statistical topics in machine learning (specializatio module; 4,5 Cr; Prof. Beran)
Summer term 25:
- Time series analysis (spezialization module; 9 Cr; Prof. Beran)
- Multivariate statistics (spezialization module; 6 Cr; Dr. Bürkel)
Winter term 25/26:
- Mathematical statistics II (main module; 9 Cr; Prof. Beran)
- Selected mathematical and statistical topics in machine learning (specializatio module; 4,5 Cr; Prof. Beran)
Summer term 26:
- Time series analysis (spezialization module; 9 Cr; Prof. Beran)
- Multivariate statistics (spezialization module; 6 Cr; Dr. Bürkel)

Courses in Stochastics (TT-Prof. Blessing, Prof. Kupper)
Winter semester 24/25:
- Stochastic analysis und selected chapters of stochastic analysis (main module; 9 Cr; Prof. Kupper und TT.-Prof. Blessing)
Summer semester 25:
- Mathematical finance (specialization module; 9 Cr; tba)
- Stochastic partial differential equations (specialization module; 4,5 Cr; TT-Prof. Blessing)
Winter semester 25/26:
- Stochastic analysis und selected chapters of stochastic analysis (main module; 9 Cr; tba)
Summer semester 26:
- Mathematical finance (specialization module; 9 Cr; tba)
- Stochastic partial differential equations (specialization module; 4,5 Cr; TT-Prof. Blessing)

Courses in Differential Geometry (Prof. Schnürer)
Master's courses in differential geometry are not expected to be offered again until the winter semester 2027/28.

Advanced Data and Information Literacy Track (ADILT certificate)

The "Advanced Data and Information Literacy Track" (ADILT) is an interdisciplinary, study-accompanying program on data and information literacy for students of all subjects. By attending courses in three blocks (fundamentals, applications and reflection), students acquire knowledge and skills in the technical, mathematical and legal fundamentals and applications of data and information processing as well as reflection on their social significance, which are documented by the certificate.

In order to obtain the certificate, a total of 30 ECTS credits must be earned in courses that can be credited towards the ADILT or were developed specifically for the ADILT. Only the lecture series for the ADILT ("Ringvorlesung") is fixed; the remaining courses can be selected from a wide range of different subject areas. It is also possible that courses count both towards the regular Master's degree and the ADILT at the same time.

Further information and contact options for queries can be found on the websites for the ADILT-certicate.

Course specific information can be found in the central course catalogue in ZEuS.