Recent Advances in Real Algebra and Model Theory

Birthday Workshop in honor of Salma Kuhlmann's scientific and career achievements

Friday, 23rd June 2023, 9:00 – 16:00 in F426 and online (see Book of Abtracts for the Zoom link)

This hybrid workshop aims to celebrate Salma Kuhlmann’s scientific and career achievements on the occasion of her birthday. It features recent developments in Salma’s main research areas – Real Algebra and Model Theory – with contributions from her close collaborators, former and current students and postdocs.

Speakers and workshop schedule:

09:00-9:10: Opening
Brief Presentation on Salma’s Career Path and Academic Contributions

09:10-9:40: L. Vogel
Non-Abelian Left-Ordered Groups and the Archimedean Property

09:50-10:20: D. Henrion (online)
Solving Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations with the Infinite-Dimensional Moment-Sum-of-Squares Hierarchy

10:20-10:50: Coffee Break

10:50-11:20: S. Hess
Sharu’s Tale: A Narration by Salma Kuhlmann

11:30-12:00: R. Curto (online)
The Truncated Moment Problem for Unital Commutative Real Algebras

12:00-13:30: Lunch Break

13:30-14:30: M. Matusinski
About the Algebraic Closure of Multivariate Formal Power Series

14:40-15:10: L. Wirth
Archimedean Ordered Fields with the Independence Property

15:20-15:50: T. Kuna (online)
An Intrinsic Characterization of Moment Functionals in the Compact Case


Charu Goel
Maria Infusino
Lothar Sebastian Krapp
Michele Serra

Local Organisers:

Vincent Bagayoko
Sarah Hess
Gabriela Michalek
Moritz Schick
Lasse Vogel
Laura Wirth

This event is partially supported by the MINT-Innovationen project Fundamentale Grenzen von Lernprozessen in künstlichen neuronalen Netzen and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Konstanz